Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Praise the Lord for the perfect weather today! We woke up to blue skies and they lasted all day. It was perfect for finishing the roof. We got all the plywood nailed down, tar paper stapled, and shingles put on. Unfortunately the broadcasting room is not completely finished, but our team did as much work as possible in the few days we were here. We are praying for another team, funds, and supplies to finish this job so that it may be used to spread the love of Jesus Christ to the rest of the world. Jesus carries each of His children through to completion, and I believe He will do the same with this project. The rest is in His hands!
Tonight we will learn about Morocco, and have Moroccan food for dinner then tomorrow we will pack up and head home! Thank you all so much for your support through following this blog, and in prayer. Pray for our trip home, specifically for the drivers since we will be making the trip in one day instead of two this time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beginning to See Some Progress!

Hey everyone! Yesterday was long and exhausting (mostly because of the rain!) We accomplished a lot though! The roof to the garage was completely torn board at a time! We started building the trusses yesterday, and finished up today. Fred, Dwight, and their roofing crew got all 13 trusses put up, and hopefully tomorrow we will be able to put the plywood & shingles on. After many hours of hard work, we came home and made dinner..Iron Chef style! We split into 3 teams & competed to see who could make the best dish, and that was dinner! The girls won, of course. Yesterday and today were quite rainy and cold so keep good weather in your prayers! We're going to be tight on time to finish the project anyway, so if the weather could be on our side, that would be a blessing indeed. This evening after dinner we attended another youth group, and a few of us went back to the Gospel Mission to lead worship. Tomorrow is our last work day, so pray for safety and health as exhaustion is setting in! I'll blog again tomorrow as long as I don't have burnt fingers...that's a story for later!! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Busy day in Vancouver!

Wow! SO much has happened since the last post! God is definitely present in this place. Last night we helped at Potters Place Gospel Mission. This is basically just a place for homeless people to come for a meal and to hear the Word. A few of us led worship and Paige, Chance, Brad, and Andrew each shared a message, along with the mime. Afterwards the meal was served. We got to see the evening, downtown, street-life of Vancouver. We were blessed to bless them with Jesus! This morning, we had breakfast at IKEA and headed to church! The youth and adults had two separate services. I think we've decided that the youth service pretty much XL2000 ROCKETH!! Our Sunday afternoon was spent doing a scavenger hunt all around Vancouver...plenty of priceless stories to come! :) After a chopstick lesson, and Sushi for dinner Louise (she's pretty much the secretary at the Shalom Home where we're staying) took us her church for a young adult evening service which we all enjoyed very much! Before this trip began, I felt like it was extremely unorganized, but so far everything has gone smoothly! Tomorrow we will go back to the work project in the morning, then have a few hours of free time in the afternoon. Thank you all who have been following, and for the prayers! We've had beautiful weather here so far so Praise the Lord for that! Pray that this will continue for us to complete the garage roof. Miss you all back home, but still enjoying Canada! Watch out for tomorrow's blog too :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well, we finished the trip into Canada yesterday afternoon with a slight pause at the border (no really! it went rather well!), and arrived at the Hoffman's around 2 pm. We used the afternoon to settle into the house we will be staying in this week, and burn off some steam at the park down the street. After dinner, we got to spend some time at an Arabic church, specifically with their youth. What a blessing it was! We were expecting some awkwardness, but with Jesus Christ as a common denominator between us, everyone connected rather quickly! We would like to thank everyone for travel mercies; the trip up couldn't have gone better. Today we started the work project! We cleaned out and stripped the garage that we will be making into a broadcasting studio. This studio will be used to broadcast Christian ministries to the Muslim and Arab countries in the Middle East that shy on missionaries in their physical borders. Please continue to pray that the Lord will use our group to minister, encourage, and bless the Canadian people, as they have so far done the same to us! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHELBY HOPKINS:)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A New Adventure!

We just arrived at the Feener's in Vancouver where we'll be staying tonight. Many thanks to the Troutman family for feeding us dinner on the way. So far it's been a very uneventful day of travel...unlike going to Mexico! :) Tomorrow we'll finish the last leg of the trip into Canada. Thanks to everyone following this blog. We'll try to post everyday or as often as possible. Prayers are appreciated. We're excited to see what God has in store for us, and for those we will be ministering to.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

We are Home!

We arrived home in Christmas Valley Saturday night about 6PM. Everybody was glad to be home, but disappointed to see wind, snow and 30 degree weather. Everybody was healthy the entire trip and all went as planned. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Back in Yuma

March 25 & 26, 2009
The new church in Nayarit was finished enough for us to dedicate it last night. We had a very nice ceremony with many in attendance. The community and even locals from Delta were there to pray with us and to hear a review from those who built the church. We filled the church, and also had people standing in the back and outside.
Don told us that 80% of the children that attended VBS were from unchurched families. One prayer request for this church is that the men of the community will be drawn to the Lord & will be attending church with their families.
We went back to the Narayit this morning to finish a few things on the new church, and the parsonage, which was the old church. When we got back to Delta to pack, eat lunch, and say our goodbyes, we were surprised with a going away party from the friends we made while staying there. They decorated with balloons, streamers, fancy table cloths, and made us a huge sign on the wall that read, “Thank you for sharing your love with us.” We were so surprised! It was tough to say goodbye, but we were encouraged to know that the Lord’s will was done, and that we were able to touch lives in the way that we did.
Thank you for your prayers! They are so much more than appreciated! Dios le Bendiga (God Bless You!)